
All of the teensies in the amazing maze
All of the teensies in the amazing maze

all of the teensies in the amazing maze

Contrarily to the well-ordered labyrinths, this is a chaotic abyss. One of the other important places of this world is the Fiery Depths, also known as "Greece Hades", the Greek Underworld. One of the secret areas of Swarmed and Dangerous takes place in a labyrinth which inverts the screen. The Amazing Maze is a particularly complicated puzzle which takes place in this environment. Some sections invert the screen, which increases the difficulty of the puzzles. Another detail of this environment, which is quite strange, is the fact that drums sometimes appear, which bounce the heroes when they jump on them. To progress in these sections, the heroes must use their power to run on the walls quite often. Little turrets appear on the walls, which shoot flaming swords which follow the heroes (like the missiles shot by the hunters or the turrets of the Moody Clouds and 20,000 Lums under the Sea). The walls are often covered with spikes, and numerous buzzsaws appear on the paths through the labyrinths, which makes these sections resemble somewhat the factories of the Moody Clouds of Rayman Origins. These dragons might reference oriental mythology. In the Rayman Legends level Hell Breaks Loose, we learn that dragons live among these floating cubes. Sometimes, huge floating stone cubes appear as elements of the scenery. These structures and diagrams on the walls probably reference the labyrinths of ancient mythology, most notably that constructed on Crete by Daedalus to imprison the Minotaur (the creature which inspired the main enemies of this world). On the walls, complicated diagrams appear, or sometimes symbols, such as a stylised "H", which resembles a gate of Hell and probably references Hades. These labyrinths are vast closed structures constructed in grey stone. One of the most important environments of this world is that of the labyrinth. In this world, stylised "H"s are regularly seen engraved on the walls or on buzzsaws. This is a reference to Zeus, the king of the Olympians in Greek mythology, who could throw thunderbolts.Īccording to the description of Princess Olympia, she and her twin sister Sibylla were born here. and Down, a white hand comes down from the sky and launches bolts of lightning onto the heroes. In the stormy section of the Rayman Legends level Shields Up. Small minotaurs, who reference the mythical creature, appear in this environment. These constellations reference astrology. There are constellations in the sky, of a flying pig and a member of Globox's species playing the lyre. The marble doors that link the different sections of the levels have a symbol above them of an eye in a triangle, a reference to Egyptian mythology. There are also statues of some members of Globox's species, as if they were mythological heroes. The most obvious are the pillars and dilapidated marble structures which resemble the ancient temples that exist in Greece today, for example the Parthenon. This environment makes many different references to paganism. These can serve as platforms, but also to block fireballs launched by minotaurs. Apart from the marble platforms, there are floating shields with faces on them. At first, there are only some white cumulus clouds in the sky, but in certain places the atmosphere becomes darker and more tempestuous, with many grey clouds that obscure the light. This sea, like the sky, is a very bright blue colour, which parodies the stereotypes of Greek summer weather. Apart from the mountains and the marble structures, there is a very calm sea to be seen. Some small trees can uproot themselves and move from one place to another, where they replant themselves.

all of the teensies in the amazing maze

There is grass to be seen on most of the platforms, and also trees as scenery elements. Despite this, the growth of vegetation seems uninhibited. This is a place at high altitude where everything is made of white marble. For this reason, the theme is also called "Greece Olympus". Levels with this theme appear to take place on top of Mount Olympus.

All of the teensies in the amazing maze